Atlanta Mens Health Group

Thyroid Treatment

Thyroid Treatment | Hormonal Imbalance Treatment

Thyroid Treatment

Even though the majority are not yet diagnosed, as many as fifty-nine million Americans are experiencing problems with their thyroid. Did you know that, if you did not have a functioning thyroid when you were born, you would die twenty-four hours later? That is how important the thyroid is to your health.
All aspects of a person’s metabolism, from their heart rate to how well their calories are burned, is regulated by their thyroid hormones. The thyroid can cause depression, deplete your energy levels, and cause you to gain weight. The most important hormones in the thyroid are T4 (thyroxine), T3, (tri-odothyronine), and TSH (thyroid stimulating hormone).

When a thyroid problem goes undiagnosed, there is an increase in heart disease risks, obesity, depression, anxiety, hair loss, infertility, and many other issues.

Commonly Misdiagnosed Thyroid Conditions

Despite being one of the most common medical conditions, thyroid problems are also often misdiagnosed. And, if you did receive the correct diagnosis, chances are slim that you are receiving optimal or proper treatment. For example, if you are being treated with Levoxyl, Levothyroxine, or Synthroid, this means the physician is treating you only with T4 hormones. Even though your lab results during subsequent testing could appear normal, your T3 hormones could be substandard.

You need specific testing for all the hormones – T3, T4, and TSH – in order to determine if healthy levels are being produced. By scheduling an appointment for a second opinion at a clinical facility, you will be able to take these blood tests along with any other physiological examinations that may be necessary to provide indications in imbalances in the thyroid.

Thyroid Imbalance Symptoms


• Constipation
• Course, dry, itchy skin
• Gaining weight
• Extreme fatigue despite how much rest you get
• Face swelling
• Hair loss; including eyebrow area
• Joint and muscle aches and pains
• Neck swelling or enlarged thyroid

Different Thyroid Treatments

Doctor Using Tablet Computer Discussing Treatment With Patients

There are two types of thyroid problems. One is where too much of the thyroid hormone is produced, and it is called hyperthyroidism. The other is called hypothyroidism, and it is when too little is produced.

It is common for patients to suffer from symptoms for years because their doctors do not understand what they are going through. This does not have to continue, though. It is possible to find relief and treatment. You must first speak with an expert physician who has experience with the diagnosis and treatment of thyroid conditions.

Using a Treatment Facility

Even though the thyroid is important, it is often not the first thought on a patient’s mind. An expert at a treatment facility will make it a priority, though. They will provide a diagnosis and the most advanced cutting-edge treatment programs for your thyroid conditions. For more information on this, call our hotline or make an appointment for a consultation.